Wildfire Summit 2024

We have worked together as Wildfire Churches for over 15 years, wow! The Wildfire Churches: Cross of Glory, Elim, Faith Lilac Way, First Lutheran, Holy Nativity, House of Hope, St. James, and Valley of Peace are 8 ELCA congregations all within the Robbinsdale School District. Over the years we have done service projects together on God's Work Our Hands weekend, we've worked with KidPack and now EveryMeal to ensure local school kids get meals over the weekends, we've come together for Thanskgiving Worship, Lenten Worships, and Outdoor Worships, we've gone on High School Mission Trips together and joined together at Camp Wapo and in hosting Vacation Bible School. We've prayed together, served together, and dreamed together.

This January, we will be bringing together people from each of our congregations to give thanks for the last 15 years and look to the next 15 years. We'll gather to deepen relationships and begin to dream of all that we could do together in the future. We'll look for where God is gathering us now and where God is pointing us in the year and years to come.

Please keep this upcoming Wildfire Summit in your prayers. Talk with Pastor Gretchen with questions around Wildfire, and how to plug in this coming year!
